CFC 242: Fuel Your Lifestyle by Investing in Real Estate with TJ Burns

In this episode, Jonny is joined by the Founder and Principal of Burns Capital Partners, TJ Burns. Through Burns Capital, he focuses on educating and investing alongside others who are looking to build their own safety net on the side of their career.


They discuss:

  1. Getting into real estate
  2. Why invest in Burns Capital?
  3. His goals for his company in 2023


Tom ‘TJ’ Burns is the Founder & Principal of Burns Capital Partners, a real estate-focused private equity firm.


After finding success as a passive investor, TJ switched his focus to helping others build wealth through real estate syndications. As a fund manager, TJ has closed numerous deals across various regions and asset classes in the US. He’s also a limited partner on 10+ deals that collectively cover Multifamily, STRs, Debt, MHPs & self-storage.


TJ’s background is in consumer technology & product design. He’s an inventor with 17+ patents, and his products have shipped to tens of millions of households worldwide. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from MIT and is a licensed realtor in the state of NY.

The Engineer’s Guide To Passive Real Estate

We've condensed the most important things you should know about real estate syndications into the downloadable E Book below. In it, you'll learn why this is my preferred investment vehicle, how you can properly vet an investment opportunity, many of the technical details surrounding the investment process, and more.